Matt has become very smug over the weeks, with the last few making it even more clear. He fully expects to win and is taking the 'you're the best in the comp' praise as if Kyle Sandiland's is a professor of exact science. Every time a judge heaps compliments at him (which happens around once per thirty second interval) he smiles and nods in a "Duh, I know this. I have ears and eyes, Marcia. Oh and by the way, bitch. I thought my version of Music of Night was way better than your Everybody Hurts rendition. Move over grandma, I surpass your old, diva ass.' way

In the end, Matt has talent. But I wouldn't say he was likable enough to be somebody I could care about. Natalie is the underdog here, and underdogs usually win in Idol. I'm going against the universe on this one, I think Natalie should and will win Idol.
My predictions were dashed, but seeing the back of Mr. Carl Risely and his gimmicky fucking performances makes this week bittersweet.
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