
Actual Letters From Foxtel Magazine: November 2007

I've been a reader of the Foxtel Magazine's mailbag section for years now, mainly because of how bizarre, humorous, frightening and awkward all of them actually are.

But never in my long reading career have I ever come across something so devestatingly confusing, so hypnotically irrelevant and unprovoked... so abstract and totally freaked... as this letter from Janice Kidson-McDonald:

"Problems in the world are mainly caused by men. Maybe if us women dominated politics things might be better - that's why I especially enjoy Oprah."

And that's the whole letter...

Congratulations Janice, not only have you managed to claim you are ideal for a role in POLITICS by making POLITICALLY INCORRECT statements, but you've also claimed the title of DiH-D's Letter of Month. Thanks, and keep sending out those letters. That's why I especially enjoy ridiculing you.

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