In conclusion, Idol seemingly establishes a 12 week filtering process to ensure that the final products are really worth the money spent to book the Opera House, the outside entertainment and the harbour full of fireworks.
However, how well has it worked? Do the final two Idol contestants really represent the best of the competition? Of Australia? Take a look and decide for yourself:
Season 1 - Guy Sebastian, Shannon Noll.

The original final two. Guy Sebastian won in the end, but really, both of these guys won. Third place went to Cosima deVito, and she vanished into obscurity extremely quickly, while Guy and Shannon are still travelling the country, lavishing in the cultural acceptance that has been rewarded to them. Which is more than can be said for future final twos.
Guy went all churchy and hosted some AIDS related documentary in Africa. He has recorded a few albums that have as much appeal as Chris Murphy in those goddamn red long-johns. He famously lost his 'fro, but gained odd favours from Natalie Bassingsthwaite.
Shannon went all rock-ballady and etched some major success. Like Guy with the 'fro, Shannon ditched his famous goatee and instead gained rights to old songs I've never liked and made it so I have to hear them over and over, again and again. He can now currently be seen on TV advertising for a poker club.
Season 2 - Casey Donovan and Anthony Callea

The post-final two couple. In one corner represented a Guy Sebastian/Shannon Noll hybrid; Anthony Callea. Appealing to housewives, universally praised for his rendition of Prayer. In the opposite corner, Casey Donovan, an overweight Aboriginal junkie who appealed to all the people who didn't want a repeat of the last year. Casey won, making it all the way through the competition without a single judge noting that she was obese. A true testament.
Casey ate a whole lot, including her Sony contract, and practically doubled in size. She had a couple of songs about Aboriginals, but she was gorging on the power the public had mistakenly given her. In response, she was treated like a festering skin cancer and frozen out completely. She probably spends her days in a dry river bed somewhere.
Anthony got some really high single and album salea, but then dropped in popularity almost immediately. Still trampling on Casey's forsaken career, he returned with a second album which was fueled by his homosexual revelation. His career is pretty much punctuated by Spicks and Specks appearances.
Season 3 - Kate Dearaugo, Emily Williams.

The forgotten final two. Kate Dearaugo got the contract, but noone really cared. Emily lost, and still noone cared. There was no real competition here, they were friends and also extremely alike. It was the end to what is almost the worst season ever (besides the current one).
Kate had very disappointing single and album sales so went into exile. She later emerged as one of the Young Divas.
Emily also emerged as a Young Diva, further cementing the fact that noone gave a shit that year, and nor should they have.
Season 4 - Damien Leith, Jessica Mauboy.

The rinse-and-repeat final two. So named because this was the Season 2 final two done right. Damien is a European lad, Jessica is a young, indigenous sweetheart. Only they've been made over. No longer does the male contestant sport a boy-band vibe, and no longer does the female contestant look like a boar that choked on its bucket of slop.
Damien came out the victor. He released a ton of merch, like his Idol journey CD which was #1 for what seemed like years, his debut album and his recently released autobiography. He also won an Aria Award. Not bad. Except that Neighbours appearance. That was bad.
Jessica emerged as a Young Diva... Well, at least that's something.
And here we are. About to view the Season 5 final two duke it out in Sydney. Stay tuned to check out the newest addition to the ongoing Final Two series. Matt Corby and Natalie Gauci. Who are you voting for?
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