
Predict Idol: Week 11

Oh my! Was I the only one truly captivated by Matt Corby tonight??? And by captivated, I refer to an experience similar to being held captive in an unfurnished cell with no windows and left to go utterly and incoherently insane.

Excuse my language, but for fuck's sake, it was awful. It was drearier than a John Cusack movie. It was fuckin' worse than that time Marty Simpson sang that Police song. It was fuckin' worse than Mark's orgasm over the Phantom of the Opera song. It would be fuckin' worse than if Bobby Flynn ever posed for a Cosmo centrefold. It was THAT fuckin' bad.
Okay, it wasn't THAT bad. I mean, it wasn't Marty Simpson bad. But it WAS Daniel Mifsud bad. And that's still pretty fuckin' bad.

The single itself is abysmal, so it was doomed from the start. But the least Matt could do was arrange it even slightly so that it had something interesting to permeate into it. What was his approach? Hopefully the audience would fall asleep so they'd miss Natalie's performance, thus sabotaging her chances? A flawed scheme, to be sure. But it sure would explain a lot. Natalie's was better, but not by much.

As usual, Matt's song choices all sounded exactly like all the other things he has sung, and Natalie's, while not always good, really showcased her versatility.
Matt pulled out the whole 'self-confidence crisis knocked me around for a while' trick, and it seemed to really convince everyone. I mean, a guy who wears a shirt-dress in front of millions of people doesn't just come to us free of crippling mental issues. You'd be insane to expect otherwise.

Who I think will win: Matt Corby. Who I want to win: Natalie.

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