It's always a monumental occasion when a character is effected by something that is impossible to resolve. It's like when the writers decide to step over the point of no return. It's brave, addictive television. So it was this week on Neighbs. Susan got MS. Yes, that's right, MS. An incurable, very apparent disease. Not since Paul lost his leg has something so permanent shaken Ramsey St. Terminal illnesses are common on the show, but they usually go into remission once all the drama has dried up. Like who remembers Boyd's brain tumour? or Steph's two cancers? They came and went like hay fever.
I am really looking forward to Jackie Woodburn's upcoming performances during her disease. She went a bit spastic this week, so I hope that subsides. I am going to predict a few years from now, she will succumb to the illness. And that'll be a sad day, indeed. But I'll deal with that when it comes.
Right now, here's the Neighbours recap:
Monday: Pool scenes are so damn frequent nowadays. Zeke shirtless equals kill me. The resident bully is on prowl. Why are ugly, pale bullies so menacing? Rachel slams into a pedophile / future love interest. It gets her hormones going. Susan burns her hands badly on a casserole dish. Those damned casseroles... maybe this was Miranda's evil scheme all along. She is given ridiculous looking bandages and sent home. Jessica is still a whore, and Ringo is still a putz. For someone who has been training non-stop for six weeks now, Ringo doesn't seem to have put on any muscle at all. Lame.
Tuesday: Libby is revealed to be a tightass when she gives Ben a GameBoy from the 80s. Meanwhile, Micky randomly plays with a Robosapien in the general store. The two boys meet in a totally shit scene. Casserole Hands... I mean... Susan goes blind and freaks the fuck out in a carpark. I like Jackie Woodburn, but she really overdid it here. Ringo starts to repair his life... Elle fights to set the evil farmer's story right... It wasn't a great episode, okay?
Wednesday: Casserole Hands overacts like never before when put into an MRI for a whole nine seconds. I wish she went mute instead of blind. Zeke is a bitch again. Marco is a gay prostitute, or so I suspect. Bridget is a fickle little child, and I hate those overalls she wears oh so much. Riley looks like he has AIDS.
Thursday: Susan is diagnosed with MS. It's waahmbulance time. Kirsten is readying a custody battle for Mickey, but Ned has a few sighs to expel about it. Janae needs to leave before her characters can be defecated on even more. Mopey Josh, the guy in the wheelchair, snobs Bridgit because she gives up her physio. They whine a little more, and she decides to go return. Ugliness ensues.
Friday: The official plot outline describes Mopey Josh as "hunky Josh". That just disturbs me. Declan gets jealous of Mopey Josh, especially since he doesn't get any adjective before his name. Valda gambles to get money, while Rachel meets with Angus the Pedophile again. Hormones race once more. Ohhhh, I see where this is heading.

Darren arrives next week, ya'll, so stay tuned for all the goss' to seep forth. As always, see you next week.
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