Ever since the Casey Donovan Crash in 04, we've seen some none-to-awful results from Idol. Natalie was my favourite for a while, so it's not that I hated the result. I just hated the leadup. I mean, the entire leadup. As in, the whole season.

This ends my EXPERT coverage of Australian Idol: Season 5, and I can breathe a big sigh of upheaval and rebirth. I thought the day would never come, and even when it did, I thought I'd miss it's place in my routine. This is definitely not the case; much like the death of an old, pungent relative that always hung around making things terrible at the family Christmas lunch, the passing of an Idol season is bittersweet but mostly oh so treacly sweet.

- Ben Mackenzie was/is a drag queen. I know this for a fact.
- Dicko gives good comments, has bad opinions.
- Martjaya deserved to win.
- Marcia is a fuck.
- Montagia, Ancient Greek Goddess of Montage Clips is most pleased with Channel Ten's offerings to her.
- Did anyone notice Matt Corby had really appalling clothes?
- Days left until someone assassinates Jacob Butler: 203.
- Carl Risely looks like Darren Stevens from Bewitched.
- Daniel Mifsud could make a coat out of his body hair.
- Martjaya could make a matching scarf out of his eyebrows.
- Tarasai was so fake she wasn't even black.
- Breanna Carpenter and Matt Corby would have the most fucked up children ever born, complete with placenta-coloured stockings and man-skirt.
- Vote Martjaya. I don't care where, just vote Martjaya.
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