I just have to say, this week was AWESOME. Darren's return has been handled so well. I really resent the people that criticise the Neighbours writers, because while they have a lot of shortcomings, they know how to make things interesting. They incorporate the series' long history into almost every storyline and they really know how to use actors' chemistry to great lengths. This was really showcased in the segments involving Libby Kennedy, who might I add was in every single episode this week. Good on her.
For the writer's to bring back Darren in a unique and very unflattering way is brave and compelling in the eyes of the viewer. The other storylines... they were okay too. Except for the Ned ones. They have never been okay. Not with me, not with anyone.
It's time for the recap:
Monday: Declan kisses Bridgit!!! She rejects him and his apology CD. Stupid bitch. Casserole Hands is in denial and employs Libby to investigate the Multiple Sclerosis Wikipedia page for the REAL truth. Stupid bitch. Mickey's volcano project erupts and Ned and Kirstin get caught in the deadly pyroclastic flow. I lie, they actually just bitched about eachother and made it seem like Mickey was worth giving a damn about. Zeke gets a bad behaviour letter for the pool fight last week. Stupid bitch.
Tuesday: Darren Stark is back in town and Libby is not pleased. In fact, she goes crazy. Karl gets caught up in it, resulting in "Now you listen here" being shouted several times in a grumpy tone. Bridgit introduces Mopey Josh to her family. The first thing they think is "Oh my god, this wheelchair bound cripple is trying to get into our daughter's pants." Janae talks to Kristen about how attractive Ned is. Somehow, both actors keep a straight face. Casserole Hands begins to get her sight back. Hallelujah.
Wednesday: Libby spills the beans. Darren slept with another woman. Oh Darren, he's the new Karl. Elle's stupid article about the evil farmer is still waiting to be published. Valda is still hovering around for some reason, penniless and miserable. Oh Valda, she's definately not the new Madge. Ned does something, Janae disapproves. I'm really getting sick of that one dimensional formula. Casserole Hands arrives home to a welcoming party, which she despicably tells to get lost as she darts into recluse.
Thursday: Darren tells Casserole Hands the horrible truth. Casserole Hands tells Darren to get lost. Valda also reveals her horrible truth. One phone call miraculously fixes everything. Valda vows to make the money back by working in the bar. Does that mean Valda will never leave now? Wasn't she only on Ramsay St for a short holiday? Elle's evil farmer expose is published in a rival paper, earning her a cadetship opposite Riley. Gee, that was easy. Carmella is made host... erm, excuse me.. co-host of a cocktail party with Marco. Rachel goes out with Angus the Pedophile and Zeke sneaks out to go to a dance party.
Friday: Rachel kisses Angus, but has to leave the party before she is seen. The next day, she finds out that Angus the Pedophile is her teacher!!! *slaps forehead* Zeke kisses some girl. Foul. He has come a long way since his days with Bree, although not in acting ability. Carmella sleeps with Marco. A pregnant woman in her third trimester; how could he resist? Libby fears that the Kinski kids are getting out of control. Duh. Once they weren't allowed to watch TV, now they are getting it on with the likes of Angus the Pedophile Replacement Teacher.
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