In 2004, a study found that since the introduction of feature films, there have been more than 120, 000 movies made throughout the last century.
Before I start, I'd just like to list a couple of notes. First is that on my break, I do acknowledge that Channel Ten did what they do best and they played Jerry Maguire. For anyone keeping tabs, this is the 500th time they have played the movie, thus making it MORE than eligible to be an Overplayed Movie. However, since I was in one of those "I couldn't be fucked moods", I didn't get to log it. But I did think about it, which makes some difference I hope.
My own nerdish rules for this segment state that these posts need to be submitted on the same day as the movie's airdate, so while Jerry Maguire really deserved to have the Dystopia treatment, alas, I am a victim of my own obsessive compulsive disorder. And it's not as if it won't be on again in two months.
Secondly, I want to point out something interesting. So far in the Overplayed Movies history, I've realised I haven't even seen a lot of the movies I'm writing about. This is especially ironic, seeings as this whole segment is based on movies I'm sick of seeing on the programming schedule. I guess I'm proof that there is still an audience for movies that have been in the marketplace multiple times.
I guess I also better mention the actual movie tonight. It's Channel Ten. Again. They have been the subject of EVERY SINGLE OVERPLAYED MOVIE so far. They outta be ashamed, but I know they aren't. They are probably too busy finding more gaps in their schedule to cram in more Back to the Future double features.
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days is a movie I haven't seen. But it's been on. A heck of a lot. In fact, I can't be positive, but I think it was on maybe 3 months ago. How do I know this? Because I'm pretty sure they used the same ad.
To be fair, this is really the only sort of movie Channel Ten knows how to market well. Science fiction, thriller, comedy... they all get misrepresented and bastardized to some degree. But romantic fluff like How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days is a simple, syrupy film, and it's hard for anyone to get their wires crossed with it. Make sure you get McConaughey's chest in the ad, and you have your marketing intentions set.
Honestly, I don't mind if you don't have genre variety. Just get more fucking movies!

My own nerdish rules for this segment state that these posts need to be submitted on the same day as the movie's airdate, so while Jerry Maguire really deserved to have the Dystopia treatment, alas, I am a victim of my own obsessive compulsive disorder. And it's not as if it won't be on again in two months.
Secondly, I want to point out something interesting. So far in the Overplayed Movies history, I've realised I haven't even seen a lot of the movies I'm writing about. This is especially ironic, seeings as this whole segment is based on movies I'm sick of seeing on the programming schedule. I guess I'm proof that there is still an audience for movies that have been in the marketplace multiple times.
I guess I also better mention the actual movie tonight. It's Channel Ten. Again. They have been the subject of EVERY SINGLE OVERPLAYED MOVIE so far. They outta be ashamed, but I know they aren't. They are probably too busy finding more gaps in their schedule to cram in more Back to the Future double features.
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days is a movie I haven't seen. But it's been on. A heck of a lot. In fact, I can't be positive, but I think it was on maybe 3 months ago. How do I know this? Because I'm pretty sure they used the same ad.
To be fair, this is really the only sort of movie Channel Ten knows how to market well. Science fiction, thriller, comedy... they all get misrepresented and bastardized to some degree. But romantic fluff like How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days is a simple, syrupy film, and it's hard for anyone to get their wires crossed with it. Make sure you get McConaughey's chest in the ad, and you have your marketing intentions set.
Honestly, I don't mind if you don't have genre variety. Just get more fucking movies!
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